Not Small Things Podcast – Episode 03: Ch-ch-ch-changes
I had the pleasure of being a guest on a recent Not Small Things podcast episode, talking about how we can live our lives aligned with our VALUES.
Episode summary courtesy of “Not Small Things”
Here’s a Not Small Thing…knowing what we value, and living our lives in alignment with those values. This is easier said than done because that can mean seeing that we need to do something differently. As humans we like patterns and we like fitting in, so even a small change to the established can feel NOT so small. And women particularly have been raised to be keenly aware of our place in the world, of our own limits, to be peacekeepers first and foremost, and maybe fear change or giving up a sense of security. For almost a year, our lives have gotten more concentrated. It’s harder to ignore the things that aren’t in sync. We see a lot of women recognizing that something needs to change, and yet not knowing what that even means or where to start. Something that we underappreciate is how completely normal it is to not know how to do any of this - and that it’s ok for it to be messy. We’re joined by Elizabeth Knell, a Conscious Change Coach who went through her own process of aligning her life and values, and now runs her own company Go From There. We learn how even small actions can have big impact, the importance of tuning out exterior and interior noise, and what it means to value yourself and your own life.
Listen to the episode here.